Friday, March 05, 2010

No, The Editor of Jyllands-Posten is Not Dead

Lies, lies, and more lies. But lies must be stopped. No, Flemming Rose is not dead.

The following message that has been making rounds on the Internet is a product of someone’s perverted fantasy.

'Danish Editor burnt alive'

The editor of the Danish newspaper ‘Jyllands Posten’ was burnt to death when a fire mysteriously broke out in his bedroom, a Saudi newspaper claims.
According to the newspaper, the editor was sleeping in his bedroom when the fire ravaged his bedroom. He and his newspaper became controversial when it had published blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The paper claims that the Danish govt is trying to cover up the news of the death. He was hit by divine retribution, the paper added. Muslims, all over the world, strongly denounced this blasphemous act and massive protests were held in all Muslim countries including Pakistan. Text messages and emails that claim that the editor or the cartoonist has been burnt alive have also been circulating since Tuesday, lending support to this report. The paper named the editor as Elliot Back. However, Back is merely a senior in Computer Science at Cornell University, who had published the caricatures on his website. Name of the culture editor of Jyllands Posten, who commissioned the caricatures, is Flemming Rose. Jens Julius is the name of one of the cartoonists that drew the images. There were 12 cartoonists in all, who according to the BBC have gone into hiding.– NEWS DESK

A Saudi newspaper claims!!!
Come on, give me a better reference. Which Saudi newspaper published this rubbish?

In short: No, Flemming Rose is not dead. No, the cultural editor of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten did not burn to death. If that were the case all major media outlets would have reported Rose’s death; the news would have been on Jylland-Posten’s web site ( ; and the Wikipedia entry on ‘Flremming Rose’ ( would have been updated.
Please stop spreading lies.

[Flemming Rose photo by John McConnico, for the New York Times.]

A Much Needed Recession

A.H. Cemendtaur

World economy hurt, consumer confidence down, consumption reduced, factories closing doors…but is it all bad news? No, not really, especially if you ask the environmentalists. They are smiling ear to ear. Environmental activists are seeing the economic slow down as the much needed respite Mother Nature needed.

But things won’t stay this way for too long. It is almost certain that the world economy would pick up momentum again. And before it does, environmentalists must ensure that the world economy has changed one of its basic, faulty characteristics: its primary reliance on fossil fuel. That in the next cycle of mad rush higher economic activity should not mean accelerated degradation of our natural environment. One way to protect the environment would be to heavily tax people and corporations smearing the landscape. As an example, oil can and should be taxed at the drilling site to generate enough income to plant trees needed to offset the global warming effect the burning of oil would ultimately produce. All metals and other minerals should similarly be taxed at their mining sites, to generate income to deal with the pollution the extracted products would ultimately generate. The revenue should also be used to educate and empower the indigenous people whose land is being exploited—in Ogoniland, Nigeria; in Sui, Pakistan; in Amazonas, Venezuela; and elsewhere around the world--so that these locals become better custodians of their lands. Creating such safeguards for the environment, in the next five to ten years of restrained economic activity, is a big challenge, but we don’t have a choice. We have been on a suicidal course. Short-term benefits we reap from fast economic growth are offset many times over by the long-term detriments of a fossil fuel based economy. We must make a fundamental change in the nature of our economy, to make sure the next economic upturn won’t push us over the brink of survival.

[Photo courtesy of]

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Israeli Terrorists Caught on Tape

It is a chilling video.
It is 8:30 pm. Four men are inside Mahmoud al Mabhouh's room (Room 230) in Hotel Al Bustan Rotana in Dubai, killing him. A woman and a man are walking up and down in the hallway, making sure no one disturbs this operation. It is the same woman, who, most probably, minutes earlier, knocked at Room 230 and said,
“Room Service, Please.”
Mahmoud al Mabhouh probably looked through the peephole, and on seeing a woman outside opened the door. The four assassins used that opportunity to quickly enter Room 230. The woman stayed behind, along with a man in a business suit. They pace the hallways talking gibberish in low tones, to ensure the killing operation goes smoothly. [The other theory says the four assassins entered Room 230, when Mahmoud was away. You need some technical knowledge of electronic key cards and how to make a key card that opens your hotel room open other doors.]
The assassins did not carry any guns. They used their muscles—see their muscles at 3:27-- to subdue Mahmoud, to beat him up really bad, and to ultimately put him on his bed and suffocate him to death, using a pillow. The murderers remained in Room 230 for around twenty minutes. They probably checked Mahmoud’s heartbeat, several minutes after he ceased resistance to the pillow thrust against his face, to make sure he was indeed dead.
The CCTV footage does not show the other five members of the 11-member Mossad team that had arrived in Dubai, for this operation. Of the five other members, not seen here, one was probably acting as the main coordinator. Then there was another team of four hit-men that most probably would have killed Mahmoud had he stayed in the other hotel he had stayed in, in previous visits to Dubai. If Mahmoud had stayed in the other hotel, the two-member team of Kevin and Gail (seen in business suits, in this video) would have facilitated the operation at that location.

So how much money Mossad spent on carrying out this terrorist operation?
Eleven people flying from Israel to various destinations in Europe, then flying in to Dubai, then flying back to the European destinations, and finally flying back to Israel. That is a minimum of $16,500 expense.
Hotel expenses: $3,300
Dining, shopping, and other expenses: $3,300
Money spent on skilled forgery of European passports: $550
Total expenses=$23,650,
Say, approximately $25,000

And why did this all happen? Because Mahmoud was a “terrorist.” Forget about the history. Forget about how Europeans grabbed Arab lands and shooed away the unwanted Arabs. Forget about an aggrieved group of people, without a state behind it, without an army, trying to fight for its rights. If they don’t have an army, but still want to fight, then they are terrorists.
Thanks God we live in North America where we have successfully pushed all potential terrorists into “Indian Reserves.” Why don’t the Palestinians accept a similar fate for themselves?