Friday, October 19, 2007

People from South Asia are at a greater risk for heart diseases than most of the world.

People over 40, and even younger ones if there is a history of coronary diseases in the family, should get their Cholesterol (and Glucose) checked annually. With extraordinary advances that have lately taken place in medical technologies it does not make much sense to die young with a failed heart.
Cut down on meat, eat fruits and vegetables, exercise daily, have a vast social network, and be happy doing what you really want to do instead of putting yourself in some mindless rat race, and there is no reason you would not be blessed with a long, healthy life that would benefit everyone around you.

On its web site, the South Asian Heart Center, describes its mission as:
"The mission of the South Asian Heart Center at El Camino Hospital is to reduce the high incidence of coronary artery disease among South Asians, and save lives, through a comprehensive, culturally-appropriate program incorporating education, advanced screening, lifestyle changes, and case management."

South Asian Heart Center
El Camino Hospital, Park Pavilion, Ground Floor, 2400 Grant Road, Mountain View, CA 94040
Phone: 650.940.SAHC (650.940.7242) | Fax: 650.966.9269 |

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