Sunday, May 17, 2020

Water boils at 100° C and other ridiculous statements found in science books

A long time ago human beings lived with belief systems—some still do.  And we were not allowed to question those beliefs.  Whatever was told, had to be believed in. Then came science.  Science was about asking questions, boldly, bravely, unscrupulously; the new way of thinking was about chronic disbelief of anything being told.  So, questions were asked and belief systems got upended. But the cavalier attitude, the boldness, the valor did not live for too long.  Gradually, science became the new belief system.  Today, there is a morbid gullibility among the scientists. If one team of scientists says one thing, all others blindly follow.  Asking questions is uncomfortable, it rocks the boat.  Just carry on. 

Science is the new religion now.  Back in the days of strong beliefs, when questions were asked, the clergy used to say, ‘You are questioning God?’  No, they were not questioning God; they were questioning you, Mr. Priest.
It is now the same way with science.  You ask questions and they say, ‘You are questioning science?’  No, Dear, we are questioning you; you are not ‘Science.’  You are a scientist, just like us.

The COVID-19 saga makes it very clear how science has become a belief system.  Say anything what the 'scientists' have discovered, and people will believe it without asking any questions.

Science should NOT be taught from the books. Beliefs are learned from the books.

When science is taught from the books you find such nonsense in the science textbooks: Water boils at 100° C.

The statement above could very well be cited as Genesis 1:20. 

Water boils at 100° C is a belief. The temperature AT WHICH water boils has been conveniently but completely arbitrarily marked as 100° C, is a scientific statement.

A more detailed scientific explanation should go like this:

For a long time people observed how things were warmer or colder but there was no way to describe how much was something warmer than the other thing.  Then came other observations about liquids boiling, metals becoming softer, and gases expanding when they were made ‘hotter.’  Swedish scientist Anders Celsius observed expansion of mercury when heat was added to a pot of water.  Celsius observed that mercury contained in a glass tube immersed in the pot of water being heated always reached a specific point when the water started boiling--the amount of water in the pot, the time of the day, the material of the pot, the weather conditions did not matter at all.  He further observed how the mercury level dropped as the water was cooled down, and that it reached a certain point when the water was frozen into ice.  The experiments made over several days showed the same levels of mercury in the glass tube, for water freezing and water boiling.  Celsius proposed to call this movement of mercury between the two levels as the ‘temperature scale’, a way to describe how warm was the water.  He proposed calling the mercury level corresponding to the ‘boiling point’ of water as zero, and calling the lower mercury level, when the water froze as one-hundred, and then dividing the distance between the two levels into one-hundred ‘degrees’ of temperature.  The temperature scale thus described was called the Celsius scale, but mathematically it did not make sense to associate ‘hotter’ things to be at a lower temperature scale reading than colder things, and especially when things were heated up beyond the ‘boiling point’ of water.  After Celsius died, the temperature scale devised by him was reversed: the freezing point of water became zero degrees Celsius, and the boiling point of water became one-hundred degrees Celsius.

Like other sciences, Medical science too is full of CTRL-V, CTRL-C crowd.  Very few people are into original research.  Rest of them quietly believe in the original researchers. 

So, the next time a health professional tries to explain to you everything about COVID-19, ask them if it is from their personal research; or if they have read it, have they verified the information; or if they have at least seen the Corona virus under a microscope.  If the answer is no, which is the case 99% of the time, tell them, “Thanks, Bozo.  I know how to read.”

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