Sunday, July 04, 2021

Movie Review: ‘The Father’

The story of ‘The Father’ resonates globally with people trying to cope with the fast-paced modern life with its high demands on time and energy of individuals, and the slow-paced aging parents.  In the movie, the father has dementia and is suspicious of his caregivers; the daughter is torn between modern life, finding love for herself, and taking care of the father.

The story is complex, and it is hard for the audience to differentiate between reality and the father’s imagination. Did the daughter really try to suffocate the father with a pillow?  Did the son-in-law really slap the father?

But no matter how enigmatic the story is, the movie is a five-star because of a brilliant performance by Anthony Hopkins.  Hopkins knows how to remain relevant at every stage of his life. 

Image: 'The Father' poster, courtesy of Wikipedia.

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